Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A surreal conversation

This evening I had one those conversations with my family I never really expected to have. This August we learned that my mother had breast cancer for the second time. She since underwent surgery and has received both potentially good and potentially bad news, and we are waiting on some tests to find out the prognosis. My mother was a nurse so we as a family have been able to remain "realistically" optimistic. We are well aware that it could be really bad, but are going to try and not worry until we know for sure. Well tonight I was visiting my family and at dinner my mother and father began to talk about whether he would date again if my mother passed away. They were both okay with the conversation and I think my mother was pleased to hear my father say that he wouldn't date again. However the whole conversation was a little weird. Especially since they were laughing about the whole thing. I think it is good that we as a family can talk about these sort of things, but it does not make it any less weird.


Blogger Dave K eh? said...

My Dad had 2 girlfriends after my mom passed away, and he married Wanda, the second one. They're really happy, but it sure is nauseatingly cute to see my 61 year old father and her flirt like teenagers!

11:25 AM  

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